ganesh chilakalapudi
Lead Engineer in InCentLGD at IIT Madras
Electrical Engineering Department, NIT Silchar
Ganesh Chilakalapudi is presently working as a Lead Engineer in InCentLGD, Material Science Research Center at IIT Madras. His key responsibilities are R&D activity at the InCentLGD. Before that, he was a research scholar at the National Institute of Technology in Silchar, Assam, in the Electrical Department. Where he worked on control and hardware development for the DAB based EV charger, and was successfully performed as a research scholar.
Chilakalapudi, Ganesh, Amritesh Kumar, Anand Panchbhai, and A. V. V. N. Phanindra. "Minimum Inductor Current Tracking in DAB-based Isolated DC/DC Converter for Q Control with Harmonic Analysis Approach Employing FOGI Filter for EV Applications." IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (2024).
Chilakalapudi, Ganesh, and Amritesh Kumar. "Optimal reactive power control for dual‐active‐bridge converter using improved dual‐phase‐shift modulation strategy for electric vehicle application." International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications (2022). (eprint:
Chilakalapudi, Ganesh, Saikat Das, Amritesh Kumar, and A. V. V. N. Phanindra. "Photovoltaic and Battery sourced Multiport Converter fed Dual Active Bridge DC/DC converter with Multimode operation for Off-grid Electric Vehicle Charging Application." (2023).
Chilakalapudi, Ganesh, Alok Kumar Dubey, and Amritesh Kumar. "AC-link Fundamental Component Extraction in DAB DC/DC converter using SO-SOGI for Minimization of Back Power." In 2022 IEEE Silchar Subsection Conference (SILCON), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2022. (eprint:
Chilakalapudi, Ganesh, and Amritesh Kumar. "Multi-Mode Power Management for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System using Indirect Current Control Strategy." In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2020. (eprint:
Chilakalapudi, Ganesh, and Amritesh Kumar. "Design and Analysis of an Indirect control Strategy for Reactive VAR Compensation in single-phase AC Microgrid system." In 2020 International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICE3), pp. 59-64. IEEE, 2020. (eprint: